Permainan - Games

Berikut ini bentuk permainan atau games yang bisa digunakan untuk memperjelas materi atau pentingnya suatu topik pelatihan dan juga menjadi sarana relaksasi bagi peserta pelatihan:

Parcel Unwrapping Games
The instruction is to unwrap parcels which  are decorated with fancy papers and accessories, and to make report about the parcels. Jury will evaluate the reports.
Participants will be split in groups, each group choose one representative to open the a parcel for each group using tools available (scissor, cutter, and adhesive tape).
Each parcel contain different things: snacks, toys, books, statue, money and time bomb!
This game will explain about the importance of procedures of doing things, the need of changing procedures and the authority of doing things.

Keep Balloon on the Air
The instruction is each group to create circle by holding hands and will get a balloon threw above the circle and the group should keep balloon in the air by hitting with the holding hands.
This game will explain about individuals concern will affect the team in reaching its objectives and the need of coordination.  

Build Eiffel Tower
The participants split into four groups. Each group will receive instruction papers which are component of total instructions needed to build a miniature of Eiffel Tower with plastic straws. The building process will need 4 phases: The procurement of materials, the first assembling of small materials to become long poles, the second assembling to create the tower and the finishing of tower with accessories.
The game will explain about the series of activities in a working process, the importance of the synchronized phases, the role playing. The game will also show what will happen if the materials were corrupted.

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